General Contractor, Hospitality

Okeechobee KOA Resort Renovation


Green Earth Commercial Contracting (GEC-3) recently completed the renovation of the conference center and poolside restrooms at the Okeechobee KOA Resort, enhancing accessibility and modernizing the facilities. The project focused on making the restrooms fully ADA-compliant, rerouting plumbing, and installing new fixtures to improve both functionality and aesthetics. 

Through the dedication of the GEC-3 Team, the transformation of these restroom amenities showcases a seamless blend of modern design and upgraded accessibility features, ensuring a more comfortable experience for KOA guests. These enhancements contribute to the overall quality of the resort, reinforcing its reputation as a premier camping destination. GEC-3 is proud to continue setting a high standard for campground amenities, prioritizing comfort, convenience, and inclusivity.